Cumner Family Tree
I feel at this time I need to cover my Mother side of the family, so with the help of this computer I will tell you what I know .(or think I know !!,)My Mothers name before she married my father, ( Charles Hickox Blake ) , was Beatrice May Cumner.
She was born 1909 in sandhurst Berkshire,
Her father was Ernest Edward Cumner born 22 June 1876 in Cambridge town. *****
He married, Marion Rosina Davis, in 1897, she was born 1878 in Basinstoke .
My Great Grandfather was, Sidney Cumner, born abt 25 Nov, 1827 in Newbury,
He married, Miriam Crane Mathews, born 9 April 1844 in Aldershot, Hampshire .
My great great Grandfather, Sydney Cumner, born abt 16 Nov, 1788 in Ogbourne st George.
He married, Hannah Write born 1796
My great great great Grandfather ,John Cumner ,born 1785 .
My mothers Mother, had 12 Children in all ,
Daisy Marian Cumner
Dorothy Louisa Cumner
Floretta Alexandra Cumner
Elanor Rose Cumner
Sydney James Cumner
Thomas Fredric
Beatrice May Cumner ***
Elise W cumner
Nina Phyllis Cumner
Edward George Cumner
Richard Arther Cumner
Robert Henry Cumner
I will try to introduce some photograph as I go along .
This is my great, great, grandparents, I think, Sidney Cumner,and, Miriam Crane Matthews.

This is my great, great, grandmother, Marion Rosina Davis
This is my great grandmother, Marion Rosina Cumner, /Davis
This is my mother Beatrice may Cumner, /Blake
There is a site, Stephen Bagfords Pages, he has a bigger insight to the Cumner family, he has some of the same photograph that I have received from my family, I will add what I can .
These are the brothers of my mothers father,
their parents , SydneyCumner, Hanna Cumner,/Wright
Starting top left ,George Cumner, Charly Cumner, Arthur Cumner,
Thomas Freadric Cumner, Great,great Grandparents Cumner, Chris Cumner,
Harry Cumner, Ernest Edward Cumner, Richard Cumner
This photograph is of my mother her mother and father Ernest Edward Cumner and Marion Rosina Cumner,/ Davis, and the in laws, Charles Hickox Blake, and Sarah Jane Blake, /Wheeler .
More to follow as I find it .
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