This is a Photograph of my brother, Peter Ralph and me, it was taken just outside of the Iron work's just in front of our flats that we lived in , I spent many a day playing in there when I was young .
One day being kids we made a go-cart ,we found some old pram wheels , knocked the axles from the springs and was left with two set of wheels with axles ,we found a suitable plank and fixed one set of wheels to one end , using some rusty nails and half a brick to hammer them over the axle ,we placed a wooden box on the plank and fixed it with nails ( that we found at bonfire corner ), fixed the other set of wheels to a piece of wood (2"by 4") and using a metal bar , heated it up in a fire until it was red hot , and burnt a hole through the plank and the 2"by 4", then fixed it to the plank using a nut and bolt ,the box was positioned on the plank so there was enough room for the pusher to jump on when we gained enough speed .
It was my turn to push ,off we went ,me pushing my feet into the gravel to get up some speed , I was just about to jump on when my foot slipped on the gravel ,well I went down fast , laid flat out with my arms out stretched , the wind knocked out of me ,my knees grazed ,and a god awful pain in my right wrist and hand ,blood dripping every where ,I had neglected to remove two large nails sticking up at the edge of the plank , they had dug into my skin about half way up my forearm , cutting , jumping ,and slicing it’s way to my finger tips ,holding my wrist I ran home to mum ,then off to the hospital , I still have the scars to prove it .
Normally if I hurt myself ,grazed my knee , I would go and see Irene Mc Kenssy ,bottom flat left side ,she had a wall just outside her front door ,she was nice ,friendly , she had a dog, a long haired black thing , very friendly ,it would often lick the blood off my knee until the blood stopped bleeding , well the dog was either friendly or he just liked the taste of my blood .
It was a Mrs Mc kendrick, or Mrs Kendrick that used to make toffee Apples, one veranda down ,one flat along , the smell used to hit you first , one minute I was a happy and content child playing a game , the next I was a spoilt child ,"Mum can I have a toffee apple " "no " ,and then it started , I knew she did not have the money , but it was only 2p , she must have 2p , well she never did , so I never did ,pay for it that is ,I would sit on the stairs and cry ,the water work were always at full flow , and there coming round the corner was Mrs Mc --- Kendrick with a toffee apple in her hand ,she was a vision ! very pretty and again there in her hand a Beautiful Toffee Apple , the quiet was amazing .
Nora Monahan , she lived in the flat at the right hand side of the arch in the centre of Privatte house , she was more of a friend to my brother Ralph , but we Peter and I got to know her and used to go into her house ,we hope she is still alive and kicking .
More School and places you should not go .
We were coming home from school one day , ST, Luke's , School , the other side of The Guildhall , were we used to sit on the Lions , we had come through the tunnel into Victoria Park , we could hear other children playing , we went to investigate , near the railway line , through the fence , other kids were playing and looking for conkers so we joined them , looking for conkers slowly working up the bank , one of the boys got to close to the line , we shouted at him to come away from the line because it was electrified , to late he fell , we all cried out in fright , he was laying across the railway line , hands out stretched to stop his fall , he was screaming , he stood up , his face and arms were black his eyes were wide and staring , he walk away from the line , sort of stiff , like a robot , making these scary noises from his throat , We RAN!! , out through the hole in the wire fence , across the park and all the way home , it was some time later that we realised , that the electrified line was the one in the middle of the twin rows of railway track .
Its funny what we remember , I remember my brother Edward standing on a chair with his thumb in the light bulb socket saying "BOMBS AWAY", and pushing the terminals ! , I think we were playing Bombers , luckily the light was switched off’.
Sometimes there were very bad lightning storms , my sister Rita my youngest sister , would hide under the table, whimpering , I would stand up in the window and wait for the lightning, when it flashed I would hold on to my chest , wait for the bang , pretend to get struck and fall down to the floor, I had no fear of lighting it was all a game to me , I just laughed and did it all over again .
Peter my brother , introduced me to a new game of darts , you stand opposite each other and throw the dart either to the right or to the left , about 4 inches from your feet , taking turns until one of you can’t stretch any more , all went well until peter threw the dart into my shinbone, it was just sticking there ," Gotcha" he said and ran off laughing , it funny ? ,there was no pain ,there it was just the dart sticking out of my shin bone and me with an amazed look on my face,so I just pulled it out , no blood just a hole where the dart went in , and more importantly no pain .
Ralph one of my older brothers was chasing peter and myself from the bedroom through the living room into the hall landing and out to the front door , we had to escape from our brothers grasp , now I’m in a headlong rush towards the door and I think to myself , if I grab hold of the doorknob , after peter has followed me through , I will slam it behind us , stopping my older brother from getting us , I SLAMMED the door !! , from behind me there came a mighty whale , Peter had run right in the doorknob , I HAD CLOSED THE DOOR TO QUICK.!! there were some words spoken to me that day that I can not print.
Now in those days the door handles used to big and round and of solid wood,Peters eye was black and blue for about two week, I do not think Peter liked me to much, after that we argued a lot.
On another occasion my dear brother Peter and I were arguing again about nothing , he started chasing me , putting his fist up , on the way past the table I picked up a plate and looking over my shoulder threw it in his direction , yes I know , I should not have done it , luckily the plate only smashed into his shin , just a little bit of blood .
My Brother , Ralph was told by our mother, to walk Peter and myself to school in the morning , he would walk behind us all the way to school to make sure we did not play truant , he never used to say anything , he would just follow us until we went into the gateway of ST Luke's school , once we were out of sight he would go on his way , and once he was out of our sight we would go on our way , we would hide behind a corner of the school building until he left , then so would we , we would go out of the School gate and then on down the road and play hooky for the rest of the day.
On the way home from school one day , we came through Victoria Park , Peter and I were doing our usual arguing , only this time it got a bit more heated , by the time we reached the navy barracks in queen street ,( H.M.S. Nelson , I think ? ,) it got bad , Peter threw this punch at my face , I can still see it coming , the walls there were made of rough stone , if you are not careful you can hurt yourself very much , I had my coat in my hands , seeing that fist coming I flung my coat over his head and dodged to one side , how awful the sound his fist made when it hit the wall , I saw the pain on his face the blood and the state of his knuckles , his intention was murderous , I laugh at him and took off running like the wind , I lost that coat , I told mum it was taken from school.
Just behind the Guildhall there used to be a swimming pool , my brother and I used to go there when we could afford to , one day I was being cheeky and started chasing a girl around the pool , whoops I slipped up and bumped my head, ( "serves you right I hear you say",) I just laughed at the girl and dive in after her , I woke up the next morning ready for school ," your not going to school today " my sister Shirley said , "you have been acting funny and asking the time of day since you came home yesterday",I do not even remember to this day what happened after I dived in.
more to follow .